I have always been aware of the London Ambulance Column as my mother had been a volunteer telephonist at the Column’s Headquarters in Gower Street during the First World War. She occasionally spoke of its work and would relate some little anecdote, so I had a general idea of its purpose and work but nothing specific.
When I retired over twenty years ago, I thought I would try to find out more. I contacted, amongst others, the Imperial War Museum, the National Archives, the St John’s Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross Society. Whilst all were very helpful, it soon became obvious that no original records of the Column had survived.
Over the years, I have gathered together various snippets of information, often in unlikely places. I thought that I should do something with it all, maybe produce a small booklet. Discussing this with my son in June 2011, he suggested a website and together we produced the first edition that lasted till June 2014.
Our aim has always been to document the valuable work of the London Ambulance Column and to ensure that it is never forgotten.
In September 2014 we re-launched the site and hope in due course to add further information.
I hope that you find it both interesting and informative. If you can add any information or photographs relating to the Column, please see the Can you help page.
David Groen
September 2014